#1 Roofing Contractor in Oklahoma | 123 Remodeling LLC
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Oklahoma Roofing Project

#1 Roofing Contractor in Oklahoma

We serve as a one-stop shop for all of your home renovation needs, from roofing, siding, and windows to interior remodeling projects of all kinds.

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Oklahoma City Remodeling Contractors & Roofing Specialists

​There’s no problem too big or small for our Oklahoma City team to identify and solve. Whether you’ve recently experienced hail damage, knocked-down tree limbs, or any number of potential hazards to your home, 123 Remodeling LLC is here to ensure your problems don’t become larger over time. Our remodeling contractors specialize in identifying problems and solving them the first time we work on your property, so your home will continue to be a safe place both inside and out for many years to come.

Discover Our Process: How We Work!

Number 1


The first step of a roofing job is conducting a thorough roof inspection.

Number 2

Quote and Planning

Inspect, quote & plan - essential steps for the roofing project.

Number 3

Completed Service

Upon completion of the roofing work, we verify your satisfaction with the service.


Partners in Success

These are a few of the highly respected organizations we partner with to deliver excellence to our customers:

GAF Master Elite
The Home Depot
Ply Gem
BBB image
ABC Supply
Cross Roads
JH Roofing

Unlock Your Roofing Quote Now: Get a Free Estimate Today

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